The Effectiveness of English Fairy Tale Video in Improving the Students' Writing Skill in Narrative Text at Eleventh Grade of SMA Islam Ta'allamul Huda Bumiayu in the Academic Year 2020/2021
The aim of this research is to find out whether English fairy tale video is effective or not to improve the students’ writing skill in narrative text at eleventh grade students. This research is an experimental study, which is true experimental. The samples of this study are class XI MIPA 2 as experimental class which consists of 31 students and class XI MIPA 3 as control class which consists of 31 students. This research collects the data from documentation and test. T-test is used to test the hypothesis and the writer uses SPSS 16.0 application. Based on the results of data analysis from several steps in calculating statistical analysis, the result is the score Sig. (2-tailed) is 0.002 = 0.2% < 5%, so H0 is rejected; it means that H1 is accepted. It shows that the mean score of experimental class is better than control class (79.58>74.90). It can be concluded that English fairy tale video is effective to improve the students’ writing skill in narrative text at eleventh grade of SMA Ta’allamul Huda Bumiayu in the academic year of 2020/2021.
Keywords: Effectiveness, English Fairy Tale Video, Improve, the Students’ Writing Skill, Narrative Text