Improving the Students' Writing Skill in Recount Text Through Collaborative Writing (a Classroom Action Research at Tenth Grade of SMAI Miftahul Manan Kalilangkap Bumiayu in the Academic Year 2021/2022


  • Puad Hasim



The aim of the research is to improve the students' writing skill in recount text through collaborative writing. The research is carried out at SMA Islam Miftahul Manan Kalilangkap Bumiayu in the academic year 2021/2022. The subject of this research consists of 23 students. The writer applies a classroom action research which to solve the students' problem. The writer conducts two cycles in which each cycle consists of planning, action, observation and reflection. In collecting data, the writer conducts observation, questionnaire, and documentation. collaborative writing is able to improve the students’writing skill in English class. It can be seen from the result of test and observation. The students' writing skill improves. The average of pre-test 1 score that is 60, post-test 1 score is 65 and post-test 2 score is 75. The result of post-test 1and 2 show that from 23 students, there are 18 students (75) reach the success indicator ≥ 65 from minimum score (KKM). The writer suggests that the English teacher can implement collaborative writing in teaching.

Keywords: Improving Writing Skill, Recount Text, Collaborative Writing


