A Connotative Meaning Analysis on Olivia Rodrigo's Song Lyrics in Sour Album


  • Hilda Nur Alfiani
  • Moh. Ilhami Hakim




This research is entitled “A Connotative Meaning Analysis on Olivia Rodrigo’s Song in SOUR Album”. The aims of the research are to identify the connotative meaning in the song lyrics, to classify the types of connotative and to analyze the connotative meaning in Sour album song lyrics by Olivia Rodrigo. This research uses descriptive method. In collecting data, the writer focused on identifying the words and phrases that contain connotative meaning and classify them based on theory of J. N. Hook (in Widarso 1989) which divides the connotative meaning into positive connotative, negative connotative, and neutral connotative. Then the writer uses theory of Geoffrey Leech (1981) to analyze the connotative meaning in Sour album song lyrics by Olivia Rodrigo. The findings of this research showed that there are positive connotative, neutral connotative and negative connotative in the song lyrics and there are fifty-two data which contain connotative meaning; thirty data of negative, twelve data of neutral, and ten data of positive. It can be determined that negative connotative meaning predominates in this album. According to the writer's research, negative connotative meanings in this album are found in more than half of the existing data.


Keywords: Connotative, Types of Connotative, Song Lyrics by Olivia Rodrigo


