Error Pronunciation in Past Regular Verbs at Eleventh Grade Students of OTKP 1 Study Program at SMK Semesta Bumiayu in the Academic Year 2022/2023


  • Fatha Aenul Yaqin



Pronunciation of verbs is one of the problems found in students. This study aims to describe the error pronunciation in past regular verbs. This study uses descriptive qualitative as research design. The technique of collecting data uses voice recording and documentation. The technique of data analysis uses three step by Miles and Huberman in Sugiyono (2017: 337-345) namely data reduction, data display, and conclusion. This research shows that the students make a lot of errors pronunciation in past regular verbs. The students make errors pronunciation ending in –d or –ed with totally 239 errors pronunciation which are pronounced as [d]; 248 errors pronounced as [t]; and 249 errors pronunciation pronounced as [ɪd]. Most of the students make in the pronunciation of the ending where what should be pronounced as [d], [t], and [ɪd], but they pronounced as [әd] and [ed]. It can be concluded that most of the students still have problems in pronouncing the past regular verbs ending in –d or –ed. Most of the students pronounce the words similar to the written form. 

Keywords: Error Pronunciation, Past Regular Verbs, SMK Semesta Bumiayu


