Kouzes Posner’s Great Leadership Process on Education Figures H.O.S. Tjokroaminoto


  • Agung Triyatno




education figure, leadership regeneration, leadership, Tjokroaminoto, Kouzes and Posner


The purpose of this study is to analyse how Tjokroaminoto educates and regenerates leadership to the young students who live in his boarding home. The young students later become the founding father of Indonesia. The writer uses Kouzes and Posner’s theory of leadership called as  Great Leadership Process. The writer applies descriptive qualitative design as the method. The result of analysis is Tjokroaminoto applies  Five Practice of Great Leadership such as giving a role model, inspiring a shared vision, giving challenge to proceed, allowing others to act, and encouraging. There are also Ten Commitments of Leadership found in i.e. discovering conscience by clarifying personal values, giving role model by aligning actions with shared values, seeing the future by imagining exciting opportunities and sublime,  getting people into a shared vision with the aspirations together, searching for opportunities by searching for innovative ways to change, grow, and become better. Further, experimenting and taking risks by constantly generating small wins and learning from mistakes, fertilizing collaboration by promoting shared goals and building trust, strengthening others by sharing power and discretion, recognizing contributions by showing appreciation for individual achievement, and last but not least, celebrating the values ​​and victories by creating the spirit of community.


