Online English Teaching and Learning Process During Covid-19 Pandemic at SMP Ma'arif NU 1 Pekuncen AcademicYear 2021-2022


  • Bachtiar Ar Ghaniy



English Teaching and Learning Process, Online Learning, SMP Ma'arif NU 1 Pekuncen, Covid-19 Pandemic


This study aims to describe the online English teaching and learning process during Covid-19 Pandemic at SMP Ma’arif NU 1 Pekuncen Academic Year 2021/2022. This is a descriptive qualitative research in which the data are taken by observation, interview, and documentation. The techniques of data analysis are data reduction, data display, and conclusion. This study finds out that Online English Teaching and Learning Process during Covid-19 Pandemic at SMP Ma’arif NU 1 Pekuncen Academic Year 2021/2022 have several changes. The changes are in the learning system, which initially ran conventionally (face to face) to online learning. The English teacher uses Asynchronous Learning and Task-Based Learning, it purposes to allows the students to learn on their own schedule, within a certain timeframe. Furthermore for assessment and as an absence.


