Grounding System, Grounding Resistance, Earth Tester, Ground potentialAbstract
The grounding system is direct protection against instrumentality and human. The grounding process is carried out using the principle of creating a path for the fault current to the ground and making the equipment have a potential that is close to the value of the ground potential. The supply of a grounding system should be supported by the grounding resistance worth needed by PUIL, which is below 5 Ohm. To maintain the value of grounding resistance, it is necessary to check each 6 months in step with the standards of PUIL. The grounding test was carried out using an earth tester. In the analysis of the 7 grounding points of the PT. PLN (Persero) ULP Bumiayu concluded that there are 4 grounding points that have met PUIL standards because the value of their grounding resistance is below 5 Ohm. Meanwhile, the other 3 points haven't met PUIL standards because they are worth more than 5 Ohm
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