Register Used in Commentary Text on Sixteenth Round of Fifa World Cup 2018 France Vs Argentina Football Match


  • Deni Winasis
  • Moh. Ilhami Hakim



Sociolinguistics, register, commentary text


Register is one of the varieties of language which has specific lexical and grammatical choices. The language of football commentary, politic, and economic are considered as examples of register language. In this study, the writers analyze the register used in commentary text on sixteenth round of FIFA World Cup 2018 France Vs Argentina football match. There are three problems of the study which are proposed: (1) What register is used in commentary text on sixteenth round of FIFA World Cup 2018 France Vs Argentina football match?, (2) What linguistics features of register are used in commentary text on sixteenth round of FIFA World Cup 2018 France Vs Argentina football match?, and (3) What are the meaning of register used in text commentary text on sixteenth round of FIFA World Cup 2018 France Vs Argentina football match? This study uses qualitative approach in relation to the use of clear and systematic description about the phenomena being studied. The data are only taken from text commentaries uploaded on GOAL sport website. This study reveals that the registers used in live text commentary commonly have different meaning when it relates to other field, profession and situation. Some registers are unfamiliar words which do not exist in other field outside the football.


