The Analysis of Interpersonal Meanings of "The Blackerr the Berry", a Novel of Wallace Thurman


  • Sri Rejeki Pramudyawardhani



analysis, interpersonal meaning, novel, appraisal, attitude, affect, judgement, appreciation


This study was conducted to answer a question: how the interpersonal meaning of the novel is realized. The analysis of the text was represented by the analysis of interpersonal meaning of the novel by using appraisal system offered by Martin and Rose (2003) more particularly the identification of three kinds of attitude: affect, judgement, and appreciation. The findings on the identification of three kinds of attitudes –affect, judgement, and appreciation- showed that there were more negative feelings expressed than the positive ones, more negative characters judged than the positive ones, and more negative things appreciated than the positive ones. This study has no direct contribution in language education but there was still an indirect pedagogical implication, as an invitation for English teachers to analyse various kinds of texts.




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