The Analysis of Metafunctions on the Song Lyric "Hero"


  • Funqi Rizqy Amalia
  • Sri Rejeki Pramudyawardhani



analysis, metafunctions, song lyric


The aim of this study is to analyse the metafunctions realized in the song lyric “Heroâ€. The writer analyzed three kinds of meaning: interpersonal, ideational and textual meaning. There were 32 clauses that appeared in this song. Based on the analysis of interpersonal meaning, the most dominant Mood Types used in this lyric was Declarative, which appeared 27 times. Based on the analysis of ideational meaning, Material Process is revealed through 9 clauses; 8 clauses of Behavioural Process, 6 clauses of Mental Process, 6 clauses of Attributive Process and 3 clauses of Existential Process. Based on the analysis of textual meaning, the writer found that in Topical Theme there were 25 clauses identified as nominal group as theme which belongs to Unmarked Topical Theme and it became the most dominant Theme realized in this song lyric. In Marked Topical Theme there was 1 clause as Prepositional Phrase as Theme and 1 clause as Complement as Theme. In textual theme there were 13 clauses identified as Conjunction or Structural and 4 clauses as Theme in imperative.





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