Kebijakan Luar Negeri Pemerintah Selandia Baru

Penerapan Kebijakan “Strategi Eliminasi” untuk Menekan Laju Angka Covid-19


  • Alfredha Shinta Putri Universitas Islam Indonesia

Kata Kunci:

Elimination Strategy, Government of New Zealand, Covid-19 numbers, Foreign Policy, Technology


This paper aims to explain one of the foreign policies of the New Zealand government to address health problems in the country. The New Zealand government's foreign policy is the "Elimination Strategy" to reduce the number of the Covid-19 virus starting in 2019-2022. This strategy was chosen by the New Zealand government by considering the environmental situation in the country. According to Jacinda Ardern as Prime Minister of New Zealand at the time, this Elimination Strategy was the most appropriate to do by emphasizing efficiency and effectiveness to reduce the number of Covid-19. Jacinda Ardern reflected on previous health problems, namely measles and rubella, which were successfully treated with this Elimination Strategy. So, this strategy was tried to be reapplied to reduce the Covid-19 rate in New Zealand. The result is that this strategy has succeeded in reducing the number of Covid-19 in New Zealand. New Zealand managed to show the international world that it was one of the first countries to declare its country free from the Covid-19 virus, where other countries are still "warring" to reduce the number of Covid-19 numbers. So it is very interesting to study the success of the New Zealand government in implementing the "Elimination Strategy" to reduce the number of Covid-19. The research method used in writing this paper is a qualitative-explanative method in which this method tries to explain why something happened. The data collection technique in this paper is a secondary data collection technique that originates from books, journals, articles, the internet, and other sources that relevant.

