Analisis Diskursus Pembangunan Berkelanjutan dalam Upaya Transisi Energi Indonesia Tahun 2015-2022


  • Masitoh Nur Rohma Universitas Islam Indonesia

Kata Kunci:

Indonesia's energy transition, sustainable development discourse analysis , basic entities, relationships with nature, agents and motives, metaphors


Indonesia set an emission reduction target of 29% independently and 41% with international assistance in the Paris Agreement in 2016. In 2022, Indonesia's commitment to reduce emissions was renewed to 32% independently and 43% with international assistance. This commitment was positively supported by the issuance of the Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 112 of 2022 about the Acceleration of Renewable Energy Development and Electricity Supply on September 2022. However, Indonesia's efforts to make an energy transition face challenges. This research discusses how sustainable development discourse analysis is applied in Indonesia's energy transition efforts in 2015-2022. Sustainable development discourse has four main topics, namely basic entities, relationships with nature, agents and motives, and key metaphors. The entity that plays a role in the energy transition in Indonesia is still dominated by the government, even the establishment of President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 112 of 2022 has not involved the role of civil society proportionally. Development through policy in the energy sector still sees that policy-making entities have a higher position than nature. Agents that collaborate in the energy transition framework include the Asian Development Bank (ADB), World Bank, Islamic Development Bank, Climate Investment Funds, HSBC, Standard Chartered, Japan Bank for International Cooperation for energy transition, and G7 countries with the main motive to support the achievement of zero net energy targets. Indonesia is considered to embrace the metaphor of we can have it all which wants a balance between economic growth, environmental conservation, and social justice through the Energy Transition Mechanism Country Platform and increased emission reduction commitments in the Enhanced Nationally Determined Contribution in 2022.

Key words: Indonesia's energy transition, sustainable development discourse analysis, basic entities, relationships with nature, agents and motives, metaphors

