The Correlation Between Students’ Vocabulary Mastery and Their English-Indonesian Translation Ability at Eleventh Grade of SMK Al-Huda Bumiayu


  • Elis Amaliyah
  • Yuniar Fatmasari



This research mainly aims to find out the correlation between the students’ vocabulary mastery and their English-Indonesian translation ability on the eleventh-grade students of SMK Al-Huda Bumiayu in the academic year 2021/2022. This research is a correlational study. The method of collecting data uses tests and documentation. The score data are obtained from the vocabulary test and translation test. The result of hypothesis testing is the value of rxy = 0,513 > r table = 0,246 (for the 5% level) and 0,207 (for the 1% level). Therefore, it can be concluded that Ha is accepted and H0 is rejected. It means that there is a significant correlation between the student’ vocabulary mastery and their English-Indonesian translation ability on the eleventh-grade students of SMK Al-Huda Bumiayu in the academic year 2021/2022 and categorized in middle level correlation.


Keywords: Correlational Study, Vocabulary Mastery, Translation Ability


