The Fourth Generation War on Terrorism: Asymmetrical Warfare With Jihad Ideology and Counter-Terrorism
In recent years there has been an increase in the frequency of jihadist
attacks, but a decrease in the sophistication of their preparation and
execution. Jihadist attacks however, cause more deaths and casualties than
any other terrorist attacks. The West’s experience in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria,
Libya and Yemen are important lessons of what can and cannot be done to
fight extremism and terrorism, especially in the context of the rise of
asymmetrical warfare in the modern era. Indonesia is facing similar questions
and challenges with respect to terrorism, from understanding the reasons and
mechanisms that drive radicalization, in particular among our youth, to the
need to respond the challenges of Foreign Terrorists Fighters, radicalization
in prisons as well as monitoring released suspects and convicts, putting in
place policies that buttress prevention, deradicalization and law enforcement
in full respect oh human rights. History the births of jihad violent ideology in
line with the establishment of Indonesia Islamic State by Sekarmadji Maridjan
Kartosoewirjo in 1949. Kartoesoewirjo did an armed resistance with his troops.
The war was called Sabil War, whose word originated from the word fisabillilah
which means on path of Allah. Sabil War is a holy war and it is also called
jihad war. Jihad is defined as a war and it is the obligation of every Moslem
(fardlu ain). When one dies in jihad war they die syahid fiisabilillah, and the
reward is heaven.
Keywords: asymmetrical warfare; jihad ideology; the root of Islamic