Nominal Groups Analysis on Abstracts of Thesis Written by the Students of English Education Study Program of Peradaban University in 2018


  • Jihan Putri Shandra
  • S.R. Pramudyawardhani



The objective of this study is to analyze nominal groups contained in abstracts of thesis written by the students of English education study program of Peradaban University in 2018. The writers analyze the nominal groups only in thesis of discourse analysis. There are 10 abstracts. Moreover, descriptive qualitative is research design in this study. Theory of Gerot and Wignel (1994) is used by the writers to analyze the data. Therefore, there are seven functional components such as: Thing (T), Deictic (D), Post Deictic (PD), Numerative (N), Epithet (Epit), Classifier (Class), and Qualifier (Q). Based on the findings of the analysis, there are 351 nominal groups which can be realized through 26 patterns. They are D+T+Q in 70 numbers, Class+Class+Class+T+Q in 2 numbers, D+Class+Class+T+Q in 3 numbers, Class+T in 30 numbers, D+T in 69 numbers, D+Class+T in 9 numbers, N+T+Q in 37 numbers, Class+T+Q in 12 numbers, D+D+T in 2 numbers, T in 30 numbers, T+Q in 22 numbers, D+Epit(att)+T+Q in 1 number, Class+Class+T in 4 numbers, D+Class+T+Q in 8 numbers, N+T in 28 numbers, D+N+T in 5 numbers, N+D+T in 1 number, D+N+T+Q in 1 number, D+N+Epit(att)+T+Q in 1 number, D+PD+Epit(att)+T+Q in 1 number, D+D+T+Q in 1 number, N+N+T in 8 numbers and D+Class+Class+T in 1 number, N+Class+T+Q in 1 number, N+Class+T in 3 numbers, and D+PD+T+Q in 1 number.


Keywords: Nominal Group, Thesis Abstracts, Students of Peradaban University




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